The Copyright on this web site is owned by Steve Thornton. You have the right to use
the images in very limited applications (see below), but not the right to distribute, sell or use the images in anyway you wish.
You may use the images in comps, layouts for in-house presentations, rough draft designs for your clients, story-boards or other
comps for yourself or your clients but only after asking permission first. That is the full extent of these very limited reproduction rights that are granted. Generally speaking this is for advertising agencies, PR agencies, in-house marketing agencies and the like.
For all other uses, you must contact Steve Thornton. If you can't download the image you need for a comp etc., please contact me and I'll get it to you.
Educational use is permitted by students & teachers at no charge but may not be used in a textbook, physical or virtual, without payment. But again, please ask first, there will not be any problems, I just like to know the people interested in my work.You may not use the images for advertising, brochures, editorial publications, public multimedia presentations, known or unknown, or any other uses. You may not sell, publish, license or otherwise distribute any of the images without a "License To Use" from Steve Thornton or one of his authorized agents. You may not place copies of the images on electronic bulletin boards for general access.
When using images in comp layouts, remember that the copyright belongs to Steve Thornton. Any use of the images beyond the limited uses set forth above constitutes a violation of the applicable copyright law and may result in damages and costs being assessed against you. If your design work involves manipulation of a photograph - retouching, shrinking, stretching, darkening, lightening, tracing, copying, adding images to other images or in any other way changing them - you may be creating a Derivative Work of the original image (i.e. anything derived from one or several original(s)) in violation of copyright law, which again may result in damages and costs being assessed against you.Under copyright law, the creator of the original work also owns the copyright to all works derived from the original. Therefore, if all or part of your work is seen as having been derived from the original image(s), you do not own the copyright to the derivative work, just as you do not own the copyright to the original work.
NONE of the images found on this site nor the design of this entire web site are in the "Public Domain." Which means that it is all Copyrighted & is registered with the United States Copyright Office and as such if illegally used Legal Action will follow. All I am asking you is please do not steal. None of these images are free to use except for the very limited use above.
If you have any questions or need information on determining usage prices please e-mail or phone me. I'll be happy to help.
For the full text of The Copyright Act Of 1976, As Amended click here.
To learn more about copyright in plain English read 10 Copyright Myths, click here.